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Baking Brownies

One of Americans' favorite recipes are sweet, dark Brownies! Follow this recipe to learn some English cooking vocabulary and make some delicious Brownies - remember the secret is not to cheat on the quantity of sugar!

For 28 large brownies


  • ½ pound (227 grams) sweet butter
    • 4 ounces (113 grams) unsweetened chocolate
    • 4 eggs
    • 2 cups (454 grams) granulated sugar
    • ½ cup (113 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon (5 grams) vanilla extract
    • 2/3 cup (151 grams) shelled walnuts, coarsely chopped



  • oven - the part of a cooker with a door, used to bake or roast food(four)
  • a 9 x 12 inch (23 x 30,5 centimeter) baking pan- shallow container made of metal(moule à gâteau)
  • a double boiler- a utensil consisting of two pots, one of which fits partway into the other: water is boiled in the lower pot to cook or warm food in the upper(casserole bain-marie)
  • a beater- a device that is used for mixing foods (batteur)
  • a sieve- a device for separating lumps from powdered material, consisting of a container with a mesh or perforated bottom through which the material is shaken (tamis)



  1. Preheat oven to 350° Fahrenheit (177° Celsius)

preheat = to heat before using or before subjecting to a further process (préchauffer)

  1. Chop walnuts into coarse pieces.

chop = to cut (something) into pieces by hitting it with the sharp edge of a knife (hacher)
coarse = rough and not smooth or soft, or not in very small pieces (grossier)

  1. Grease a 9 x 12 inch (23 x 30,5 centimeter) baking pan

grease = to coat with oil or butter (graisser)

  1. Melt butter and chocolate in the top part of a double boiler over boiling water. 
    When melted, set aside to cool to room temperature.

melt = to make something become liquid through heating (faire fondre)
set aside = to keep or save something from a larger amount or supply in order to use it later for a particular purpose (mettre de côté, réserver)
to cool = to make less warm (refroidir)

  1. Beat eggs and sugar until thick and lemon-colored. Add vanilla.

beat = to mix quickly and continually, commonly used with eggs (battre)
add = to put ingredients together; to put one ingredient with the others (ajouter)

  1. Fold chocolate mixture into eggs and sugar. Mix thoroughly.

fold something into something = to mix a substance into another substance by turning it gently with a spoon (incorporer)
mix = to combine two or more things using a spoon, spatula, or electric mixer (mélanger)

  1. Sift flour.

sift = to pass a dry ingredient through a sifter or fine mesh screen to loosen the particles, incorporate air, and lighten the resulting product (tamiser)

  1. Fold flour gently into batter, mixing just until blended.

batter = a mixture usually consisting of flour mixed with liquid ingredients and other dry ingredients. Batter (pâte liquide, appareil) is usually liquid enough to be poured, unlike dough, which is much thicker (pâte ferme).
blended = combined or mixed so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another (mélangé)

  1. Fold in walnuts.

  1. Pour into the prepared pan.

pour = to transfer liquid from one container to another (verser)

  1. Bake for 25 minutes, or until center is just set. Do not overbake.

bake = to cook in an oven by using heat (faire cuire au four)
overbake = to bake for too long (surcuire)

  1. Allow Brownies to cool in pan for 30 minutes then cut into bars.

cut = to separate or divide by using a knife (couper)
bars = a solid rectangular shape (barre)




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